Presents an overview of the issues of traumatic stress among hard of heating children or children with hearing loss.
Provides an overview of child traumatic stress and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.
Updated October 2024
Highlights the need for clinicians and policy makers to understand the links between trauma and culture.
Outlines the environment of care in juvenile institutions.
Provides background statistics on trauma and substance abuse, describes the risk factor interactions between trauma and substance abuse, and outlines challenges to care and possible solutions.
Details the importance of a trauma assessment when families have experienced a trauma and guides clinicians in the assessment process.
Offers providers information about trauma including what trauma is, how it can impact a family, and ways providers can support families experiencing traumatic stress.
Provides information about refugee trauma for those working in or with the child welfare system.
Offers parents and caregivers a brief checklist to use to determine if a complete assessment for complex trauma should be scheduled. This fact sheet will help parents and caregivers determine when to seek professional help.