Creating Trauma-Informed Systems

A trauma-informed child and family service system is one in which all parties involved recognize and respond to the impact of traumatic stress.
A trauma-informed child and family service system is one in which all parties involved recognize and respond to the impact of traumatic stress.
Trauma intersects in many different ways with culture, history, race, gender, location, and language.
All families experience trauma differently. Some factors such as a child’s age or the family’s culture or ethnicity may influence how the family copes and recovers from a traumatic event.
Partnership among family, youth, and providers merges professional expertise and the experiences of trauma and healing.
Secondary traumatic stress is the emotional duress that results when an individual hears about the firsthand trauma experiences of another.
The NCTSN Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessment is a tool to help organizations assess their current practices in the context of serving children and families who have experienced trauma.