Child Physical Abuse Fact Sheet
Explains the prevalence and consequences of child physical abuse. This fact sheet offers guidance on how to recognize and help children who are being physically abused.
The following resources on Physical Abuse were developed by the NCTSN.
Explains the prevalence and consequences of child physical abuse. This fact sheet offers guidance on how to recognize and help children who are being physically abused.
Highlights the importance of parent-child relationships and how to use treatment as a way to build these relationships.
Identifies key components of clinical assessment for child physical abuse.
Discusses child maltreatment and domestic violence issues impacting military families and children.
Provides statistics for child abuse and neglect in the United States, outlines how to recognize a variety of injuries suggestive of child physical abuse, and highlights the basic diagnostic evaluation necessary to evaluate a child for physical abuse.
Introduces participants to child abuse and neglect in military families. This webinar discusses in particular the community and military partnerships to help military families.
Offers practical information about two family interventions commonly delivered for families who are at risk for or who have experienced physical abuse (CPC-CBT and MST-CAN).
Highlights evidence-based interventions aimed at empowering families, including individual treatment for children and skill building for parents.
Features many of the top experts in the field speaking about engagement strategies, assessment, cultural and systems issues. This webinar series provides information on evidence-based interventions for families in which there has been known or suspected child physical abuse.
Explores the relationship between physical abuse and socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, racial and/or ethnic backgrounds, and gender.
Discusses myths about parents who engage in physically abusive behavior and provides specific, evidence-based strategies to engage families, from initial outreach through course of treatment.
Provides an overview of the prevalence and incidence of child physical abuse and the status of research and practice in the field.