Discusses ways to better engage adolescents who have experienced trauma in treatment.
Outlines and describes a range of points that practitioners and agencies should consider as they strive to assess, understand, and assist trauma-exposed children, families, and communities in trauma-informed ways.
Offers strategies for supporting youth who recently experienced a shooting on how to cope with 4th of July celebrations.
Provides information to support youth talking about suicide with friends and peers. This fact sheet includes what you can do, action words, skills for getting help, as well as myths and facts about how to help as a peer.
Provides information to help youth practice self-care. This fact sheet includes information on what it means to take care of yourself, as well as recommended hotlines and conversation starters.
Provides information to help youth know what words to use when talking about suicide with friends and peers. This fact sheet includes when you should ask, examples of what to say, when to get help, as well as next steps.
Discusses a study comparing a clinical CSEC cohort with a clinical group of youth who had no reported involvement in prostitution, but had a history of sexual abuse/assault. Updated May 2021.
Provides information on screening for mental health needs and trauma in a CAC.
Provides information to children who have experienced medical trauma.
Provides information for family members and caregivers who are trying to decide whether or not to serve on advisory boards.