Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones, (and) Words CAN Hurt Me: A Trauma-Informed Understanding...
Provides information on the prevalence and impact of trauma as a lens through which to deepen our understanding of bullying.
The following resources on Schools were developed by the NCTSN.
Provides information on the prevalence and impact of trauma as a lens through which to deepen our understanding of bullying.
Discusses the need for, and the benefits of, a school based mental health program. This webinar offers suggestions on building relationships with schools, as well as case examples of successful school/mental health partnerships.
Offers information on childhood traumatic grief. This fact sheet provides descriptions of childhood traumatic grief, normal and typical grief, and what to do for childhood traumatic grief for teachers and school personnel.
Focuses on childhood grief in the school setting. This webinar discusses key points about children's grief response, including physical and behavioral responses, the impact of developmental level on the grief response, impact of culture on grief, and how CTG differs from grief.
Presents a process for threat assessment and management in an educational setting. This webinar addresses the process of assessing risks of a particular individual or group of individuals and the design and implementation of management strategies to reduce those risks.
Outlines the history of shootings and violence in US schools.
Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on elementary school students.
Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on high school students.
Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on middle school students.
Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on preschool children.
Proporciona a administradores escolares, maestros, personal de la escuela y padres interesados, información básica sobre el trabajo con niños traumatizados en el sistema escolar. Esta es la versión en español de Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators.
Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on elementary school students.