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NCTSN Resources

The following resources on Justice were developed by the NCTSN.

NCTSN Resource

NCTSN Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessment (TIOA) Course

Type: Special Resource

Helps organizations assess their current practices in the context of serving children and families who have experienced trauma. It is an important part of an organizational transformation process to create trauma-informed organizations.

NCTSN Resource

Trauma-Informed Juvenile Court Self-Assessment

Type: Special Resource

Provides a juvenile justice system with a framework to examine, review, and rate day-to-day operations with a set of benchmarks to evaluate to what extent court operations reflect the content, process, and systems-level procedures reflected in each essential element.

NCTSN Resource

The NCTSN National Juvenile Probation Officer Survey

Type: Special Resource

Details the results of a nationwide survey of probation officers. This survey looks at what probation officers know about trauma, how best to collaborate with them, and what products they would like to meet their needs with respect to trauma-informed practices.
