Details the importance of a trauma assessment when families have experienced a trauma and guides clinicians in the assessment process.
Presents an overview of the issues of traumatic stress among hard of heating children or children with hearing loss.
Offers providers information about trauma including what trauma is, how it can impact a family, and ways providers can support families experiencing traumatic stress.
Screens children ages 0-5 for risk factors associated with traumatic stress.
Presents issues related to trauma in Latino and Hispanic populations.
Defines trauma in the early years and discusses the sources of traumatic events.
Discusses how gender-affirming care is trauma-informed care and offers tips for showing support and acceptance for transgender, gender diverse, and intersex (TGI) youth.
Helps organizations assess their current practices in the context of serving children and families who have experienced trauma. It is an important part of an organizational transformation process to create trauma-informed organizations.
Presenters describe the essential components of family-informed trauma treatment in this webinar.
Addresses the issues facing poor, urban, African American children who deal with traumatic stress. The webinar discusses how conceptions of race and racism have an impact on these children and their families.