Provides information about sexual health to providers.
Provides a glossary of terms for healthcare providers to better understand the concepts within trauma-informed integrated care.
Outlines different considerations that primary care providers need to take into account when working with refugee youth and their families.
Provides policymakers and other stakeholders an overview of trauma-informed integrated care and its importance for children who have experienced trauma.
Discusses the importance of quality supervision that organizations can provide to staff members at risk for secondary traumatic stress (STS).
Provides information to youth about how to talk about medical trauma with others.
Offers activities and a scenario for youth who have been ill or injured to help understand what it is they might be feeling.
Highlights key points for providers, family advocates, and policymakers to understand about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and child trauma. This resource was adapted from...
Identifies the core competencies that STS-informed supervisors in any discipline should have. This fact sheet defines terms, outlines benchmarks for each competency, and offers supervisors guidance on ways...
Defines child traumatic stress. This fact sheet gives an overview of trauma, describes traumatic stress symptoms, and ways children may be impacted.