PFA: Consejos para padres: cómo ayudar a niños de edad escolar
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide (PFA).
The following resources on child trauma were developed by the NCTSN. To find a specific topic or resource, enter keywords in the search box, or filter by resource type, trauma type, language, or audience.
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide (PFA).
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide (PFA). This handout provides parents with common reactions after a disaster, ways to respond to those reactions, and examples of things you can say to your preschool-age child.
Describes the importance of translating materials from English to Spanish, the diversity of the language needs among Hispanic groups, and recommendations.
Discusses the inter-relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in response to stressful events.
Explains how trauma, especially repeated interpersonal trauma such as sexual or physical abuse, affects a child's developing brain.
Brings together some of the foremost experts in the field of childhood trauma to offer a grounding in theory, research, assessment, and treatment.
Describes the impact of domestic violence on children. This video provides law enforcement officers with concrete information about what they can do when responding to the scene of a domestic violence call.
Provides links and resources for additional information to support the Cops, KIds, and Domestic Violence training video.
Discusses trauma among sexual minorities.
Gives guidance on responding to disaster or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention. This evidence-informed approach helps to assist children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of disaster and terrorism.
Offers teachers guidance on helping students after a hurricane. This fact sheet describes common reactions students may have, how teachers and school staff can help them, as well as self-care for school personnel.
Presents the results of a survey conducted among child welfare agencies in a number of states.