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All NCTSN Resources

The following resources on child trauma were developed by the NCTSN. To find a specific topic or resource, enter keywords in the search box, or filter by resource type, trauma type, language, or audience.

NCTSN Resource

Trauma Facts for Educators

Type: Fact Sheet

Provides teachers with facts about the impact of trauma on students. This fact sheet, a part of the Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators, includes information on trauma reactions and how teachers can help.

NCTSN Resource

Breve Información Sobre el Duelo Traumático Infantil

Type: Fact Sheet

Ofrece información sobre el duelo traumático infantil. Este folleto informativo define lo que es del duelo traumático infantil, el duelo típico y normal y describe qué hacer ante el duelo traumático. Esta es la versión en español de Brief Information on Childhood Traumatic Grief.

NCTSN Resource

Sugerencias para Educadores

Type: Tip Sheet

Offers suggestions for educators about what can be done at a school to help a traumatized child. This tip sheet, a part of Caja de Herramientas Para Educadores Para el Manejo de Trauma Infantil, describes very practical ways to help children who have experienced trauma while at school.
