Offers parents and caregivers whose teen might be or is experiencing substance abuse and/or stress from a traumatic event.
Provides parents and providers with information about the psychological impact of a shooting.
Provides parents and providers with information about the psychological impact of tsunamis.
Provides parents and providers with information about the psychological impact of tsunamis.
Provides information for parents and caregivers whose teen might be or is experiencing substance abuse and/or stress from a traumatic event.
Provides definitions of child traumatic stress and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and explains how symptoms can overlap, as well as summarizes some of the differences between the two.
Gives providers considerations for implementing screening and assessment into their work. This fact sheet offers guidelines to consider when selecting trauma screening or assessment tools to implement in a given system.
Offers tips for providers on sharing power in trauma-responsive care.
Offers an introduction to issues regarding engaging adolescents in treatment that providers must consider when treating adolescents with symptoms of both traumatic stress and substance use.
Provides information to schools about how to create a trauma-informed active shooter/intruder drill. This fact sheet outlines the steps to take before, during, and after for students, school staff, and parents.