Focuses on addressing secondary traumatic stress experienced by child welfare staff, easing children’s transitions into foster care, and working with parents who have been impacted by trauma.
Offers information about complex trauma. This fact sheet details the impact of complex trauma, the effects of complex trauma, the long-term health consequences, and the economic impact of complex trauma.
Is a table of standardized measures that are appropriate for children and families dealing with complex trauma.
Describes treatments for traumatic stress that are based on cognitive-behavioral approaches, including learning relaxation and stress management techniques, correcting distorted thoughts, and developing a trauma narrative.
Details the importance of a trauma assessment when families have experienced a trauma and guides clinicians in the assessment process.
Presents an overview of the issues of traumatic stress among hard of heating children or children with hearing loss.
Offers providers information about trauma including what trauma is, how it can impact a family, and ways providers can support families experiencing traumatic stress.
Discusses how gender-affirming care is trauma-informed care and offers tips for showing support and acceptance for transgender, gender diverse, and intersex (TGI) youth.
Outlines different considerations that mental health professionals need to take into account when working with refugee youth and their families.