Your Child and Gangs: What You Need to Know about Trauma - Tips for Parents
Provides parents and caregivers with information gangs and trauma. This fact sheet offers a brief vignettes about teens who have become involved with local gangs.
The following resources on child trauma were developed by the NCTSN. To find a specific topic or resource, enter keywords in the search box, or filter by resource type, trauma type, language, or audience.
Provides parents and caregivers with information gangs and trauma. This fact sheet offers a brief vignettes about teens who have become involved with local gangs.
Discusses the role of religion and spirituality in trauma treatment and recovery.
Discusses general principles at the level of culture, family, and the individual child that clinicians should consider when adapting a trauma treatment for non-majority populations.
Discusses the trauma treatment needs of rural youth and families.
Addresses the issues facing poor, urban, African American children who deal with traumatic stress. The webinar discusses how conceptions of race and racism have an impact on these children and their families.
Describes adaptations for working with traumatized Latino/Hispanic children and their families.
Summarizes the importance of trauma-informed systems.
Provides statistics on the number and characteristics of homeless youth in the US. This webinar reviews the unique aspects of trauma among runaway and homeless youth and identifies the key treatment implications for this population.
Provides information about building community resilience, helping communities improve their capacity to respond effectively to natural or man-made disasters or acts of terrorism.
Offers parents guidance on helping their children after an earthquake. This fact sheet describes common reactions children may have after an earthquake, what to do to help, and self-care tips for parents.
Discusses the special challenges of treating deaf and hard of hearing children, and the hearing children of deaf parents, who have been traumatized.
Provides an overview of organizational cultural and linguistic competence, organizational assessment, and resources.