Family Advocacy and New Parent Support: Responding to Child Abuse or Neglect and Domestic Abuse...
Discusses child maltreatment and domestic violence issues impacting military families and children.
The following resources on Military and Veteran Families were developed by the NCTSN.
Discusses child maltreatment and domestic violence issues impacting military families and children.
Introduces participants to child abuse and neglect in military families. This webinar discusses in particular the community and military partnerships to help military families.
Focuses on programs for military families and children. This webinar series presents information that aims to prevent and intervene in cases of child abuse/neglect and domestic violence.
Describes opportunities to support military children through school-based initiatives.
Discusses key lessons learned during the development process.
Discusses ongoing efforts and research to address trauma, grief, and loss in the military community, including a look at the VA's suicide prevention programs.
Discusses the combat/operational stress continuum (COSC) and Combat/Operational Stress First Aid (COSFA) in the US Navy and US Marine Corps.
Provides a description of the FOCUS program as well as program effectiveness data.
Discusses how providers have worked with branches of our country's military to promote the well being of young children in military families. This webinar describes how mental health professionals can help these children cope with the stresses that their families experience.
Offers information on the Millennium Cohort Study.
Provides an introduction to Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control. This webinar describes Navy culture and discusses Operational Stress Control.
Discusses military culture and the unique stressors faced by military families.