Provides resources related to mental health for QTPoC (queer and trans people of color), including a directory of self-identitied QTPoC mental health providers.
Provides confidential peer support, education, and advocacy to LGBTQ+ people, their parents, caregivers, families, and allies.
Provides guidance for professionals working with autistic trans youth and adults and how parents can support their trans autistic children.
Operates a national 24-hour, toll free,( 866-488-7386) confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ+ youth and resources for individuals and schools
Provides resources and support for creating change for trans youth in schools and beyond. Dedicated to transforming the educational environment for trans and gender nonconforming students through advocacy and empowerment
Provides some key terms that relate to the LGBTQ community, keeping in mind that there are many ways to define these common words.
Provides information for parents and families with gender-diverse and transgender children and training and resources for schools.
Explores the essential elements of the Resource Parent Curriculum (RPC) and what is most important for agencies to know when thinking about launching the workshop, including additional questions related to getting started with the RPC.
Is filled with examples of NCTSN commitment. You'll read about Dr. Ellen Gerrity and her 18 years of service as the Network's Senior Policy Advisor, and the efforts of Affiliate member Nancy Fitzgerald to focus on teachers and students.
Provides a focus on Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters Advocacy Center.