Features Andrew Woods, a clinician with over two decades of experience working with boys and men of color.
Helps organizations assess their current practices in the context of serving children and families who have experienced trauma. It is an important part of an organizational transformation process to create trauma-informed organizations.
Provides information on the importance of follow-up after testifying.
Offers guidance to clinicians called upon to testify as an expert witness for a client’s court case.
Offers perspectives on the intersections between trauma, caregiver substance use, parenting, and prenatal substance use exposure.
Discusses how child-serving systems can improve their response to the needs of youth that cross over from child welfare to juvenile justice.
Discusses important policy issues related to the delivery of trauma-informed evidence-based care to children and families affected by traumatic events.
Addresses the treatment needs of adolescents who have experienced trauma and still find themselves in challenging situations.
Addresses the lack of consensus on what are the most effective treatments for children with complex trauma.
Discusses the relationship between spirituality, religiosity, and psychological trauma. This webinar addresses the therapist's role in assisting children to reconcile conflicts with spirituality and religiosity.