Offers providers information about synergy for children who experience trauma.
Reviews key points from the webinars within the Enhancing Multidisciplinary Responses to Polyvictimization: Complex Trauma Speaker Series and answers participants' questions.
Defines CSEC and the scope of the problem of the commercial sexual exploitation of both girls and young women in the US.
Discusses the impact, as well as historical and societal context, of polyvictimization in urban communities of color.
Examines the effects of polyvictimization on the K-12 school environment, particularly examining risk for truancy, drop-out, and need for special education services.
Discusses the complex trauma adaptations employed by LGBTQ youth and adults who have experienced victimization and polyvictimization.
ARC is a framework for intervention with youth and families who have experienced multiple and/or prolonged traumatic stress.
Focuses on how therapists can handle the challenge of remaining attuned to intensely distressed clients while also recognizing and regulating their own stress reactions.
Discusses the Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency (ARC) model, a flexible intervention for children with complex trauma.
Discusses the complex issues of human trafficking. This webinar offers information on how human trafficking transects with both polyvictimization and complex trauma and how to serve survivors.