Trauma Systems Therapy (TST) is a model that addresses the primary reason that care is typically sought for a traumatized child: The child expresses episodes of uncontrolled emotion (e.g.
Describes the effects of complex trauma on families. This webinar discusses family exposure to trauma in the context of family life events, adverse life events and trauma.
Highlights the story of a traumatized youth from early childhood to older adolescence illustrating his trauma reactions and interactions with various service providers.
Provides clinicians, counselors, and other providers with insights on dealing with the most difficult crises and turning points that occur in therapy with traumatized children and families.
Offers parents and caregivers a brief checklist to use to determine if a complete assessment for complex trauma should be scheduled. This fact sheet will help parents and caregivers determine when to seek professional help.
ITCT-A is a component-based, assessment-driven, multi-modal treatment for traumatized adolescents (aged 12 to 21 years) and their families.
ITCT-C is an assessment-driven, multimodal, evidence-based treatment for children ages 5-12, with interview and/or standardized trauma-specific measures administered at 2-3 month intervals to identify particular symptoms and issues requiring focus
Offers information on the assessment of complex trauma in children.
Details the importance of a holistic, multidisciplinary, multi-level approach to addressing the needs of youth with complex trauma in residential treatment settings.
Delineates the path from complex trauma exposure to involvement in the juvenile justice system.