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Network Members

This listing of NCTSN members includes current grantees as well as NCTSN Affiliates, former grantees who have maintained their ties to the Network.

Zammarelli, Lucy, MA, NCACII

Individual Affiliate - Oregon

Lucy Zammarelli  has worked in the field of child and family trauma for over 25 years.  Her work has focused on youth and family substance use and behavioral health conditions.  She is a strong advocate for substance use treatment and effective treatment for chronic pain.  She currently works on issues of equity and health disparities with the Medicaid population in Lane County, Oregon.  Lucy has a BS from Cornell University and an MA from Temple University.  Her focus on trauma informed care and personal wellness extends throughout the lifespan.   

Lane County/Trillium Behavioral Health
2250 Grant St.
Eugene , OR 97405
(541) 654-2224
